Monday, November 7, 2022

Pruning Fruit Trees

Meyer lemon
Many gardeners begin wondering about pruning their fruit trees as the weather cools.  The three main questions to be asked are:

Should I prune?  Yes, if only to remove dead or damaged branches and suckers.  Other reasons to prune include removing crossing branches, opening up the canopy to allow light to enter, improving the shape or strength of the tree or preventing it from encroaching on adjoining plants or structures.

When to prune?  It’s important to know if your tree bears fruit on new or old wood, and where fruit will develop on the tree, so you don’t remove branches that will be bearing fruit.  You can find the answers to these questions in the references below, and that will help determine when you want to prune your trees. 

How to prune?  Books have been written on this subject, But some general guidelines can be provided along with references to more specific information. 

General pruning guidelines.  Important for all trees:

When to prune fruit trees: and Fruit Care Calendar for North Florida:

How to prune fruit trees, step by step:

Fruits with special pruning requirements—figs, pomegranates, persimmons:

To get more detailed information about the care of your fruit trees or shrubs, search “Ask IFAS” and the name of the fruit in which you are interested. This will lead you to reliable sources for our growing area that will help you raise healthy productive fruit trees.

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