Thursday, November 10, 2022

Wednesday in the Garden

Tony shows off a clump of
Jerusalem artichoke bulbs.  They’re a
crisp addition to salads and stir fries. 
On a beautiful cool day in the VegHeadz garden we accomplished much. We dug a number of root crops including sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, and turmeric. We cleared out some dead growth and of course we weeded. Some time was spent reviewing Peter’s plans for the new grape arbor and talking about logistics. This is an exciting addition to our garden which we will see developing in the next weeks.

Purple sweet potatoes, orange
Turmeric, and creamy
Jerusalem artichokes

Our fall crops are growing nicely. It’s a pleasure to see how our gardeners are practicing what we preach by planting many varieties in the same bed, including companion plants that discourage pests like nematodes and chewing bugs, and encouraging predator insects. Pollinators are not as available in the winter because most plants do not flower or fruit at that time, but those that are around in cool weather still need nectar and pollen to survive the winter. 

We’re already thinking ahead to spring and a new take on the three sisters, the possibility of a new garden coordinator, and new varieties to try.  Things are always happening at the garden.

Buckwheat grows among many varieties of salad greens

Mustards, Romaine and Asian greens

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