Thursday, May 12, 2022

Wednesday in the Garden

A quiet and peaceful morning in the garden

The VegHeadz are back in the garden after the very successful Annual Open House and Plant Sale last Saturday.  Garden coordinator, Carole Hayes, describes what a joy it is to spend the morning in the garden: “Another day of perfect weather. When I arrived, the garden was still and quiet but for a few birds. I walked through the amazing environment created by energetic gardeners and was soothed. The newly defined pathways in the forest garden are funky, functional, and lovely!

“Work has begun on clearing the brush to the west of the garden for a grape arbor. Machetes and saws wielded by determined Master Gardener Volunteers cleared the way! 

“We discussed propagation and being able to offer plants from our garden, especially the forest garden. Janis is researching first steps as some propagating activities must be started this summer and into the fall. Also, we plan to pot the flowers that Kwan culls from his pollinator beds so they can be sold at the plant sale next year.  St John’s Wort was also rescued from the area being cleared for grapes. Mark your calendars for May 13, 2023.

“I checked the bluebird boxes and only one is occupied at this time with Wrens which will be soon fledging. Glenn is working on building boxes so we can replace the current ones for next year. 

“While leisurely hand watering the giant sunflowers, I just basked in the glow of a garden well planted, well cultivated, and well loved. Such a joy! Come sit and meditate some early morning. It’s truly a healing environment.”

Emerette pole filet green beans
Haricot Vert

Digging potatoes—the usual red ones
and some stunning purple fingerlings

These two Roselle plants will furnish many
pounds of beautiful and delicious 
calyxes for tea, jams and sauces

One of the reasons we have very little 
insect problems in our garden is the many 
pollinator plants we grow—a key element of
Integrated Pest Management, IPM.  

St, John’s Wort rescued from a natural area
being cleared for a grape arbor. 

Sur Chelles
 Pole Beans

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