Thursday, August 26, 2021

Carole’s Comments—Wednesday updates from our Leader

Just a few of the VegHeadz who
Worked so hard today
Such a great turnout of hard working MGVs!!! Non-producing plants have been removed and more soil has been applied in preparation for cover crop planting. Weeding in beds and in the Forest Garden has proceeded apace. The Forest Garden is looking 'loved' as Janis observed. Yes, it is!!!
We are working on determining what signage we need prior to the October 9 Farm Tour. In addition to the signs already found in the storage shed, we want larger signs that designate the rotation plan for each segment of A, B, C, and D beds; a pollinator/trap crop info sign; an irrigation explanation that clearly indicates that the water is non-potable, i.e., DO NOT CONSUME IN ANY WAY! Besides these larger, two sided signs, we will be requesting 3 x 5 inch signage for individual plants. We hope to have the North Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide available for sale and several handouts including specific information about various aspects of the garden, recipes, and useful links. There are so many stories to tell about the garden.
Laurie has suggested a takeaway planter for kids made of recycled toilet paper rolls. These can just be planted directly into the ground in their entirety. Fall flowers might be good seeds to offer for these recycled planters! There's room in any landscape for a fall flower or two...
Mike will remove the bent door/gate at the VegHeadz shed when he can. The sink cannot be set up on the south side of the shed until we determine what we are going to do with the irrigation array by the arbor. Permitting and regulations to be satisfied were mentioned when our plan to elevate this array and build a console were broached but we need to determine if these apply to non-potable water. Carole will research further.
Kwan would like to clear along the east boundary of Bed 5 and the Veggie Garden and plant rudbeckia, cosmos, and other native pollinators. I assume this is fine with everyone. He would also like to make borders with monkey grass or liriope. I think this addition should be okayed by the VegHeadz, as a body. Does anyone object to monkey grass borders? Please let me know.
Louie works on two raised beds that need their wooden borders replaced. Glenn is measuring and will provide particulars so that I can make the request. Please let me know if you know of any other material needs for maintaining or improving existing structures.
Thank you for cardboard!!! Please flatten boxes for ease of storage and use. Thank you, again!

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