Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Preparation for Fall Planting

Marie and Laurie
The VegHeadz are preparing to start planting fall vegetables in a couple of week.  Yesterday, on the first cool morning of fall we went to a stable and loaded two truckloads of horse droppings mixed with sawdust and delivered them to the Demo Garden at the Leon County Extension office.   We offloaded them into four of our bins for garden amendments.  Since the droppings were quite fresh, we will let them compost and use them for spring planting season.   We also put some in our compost bins to add nitrogen to the mix and encourage hotter composting.   It was fun, with lots of hands to help and the cool breeze felt wonderful.
Horse droppings and sawdust, composting
for Spring use

Fence around bat house to
quarantine bat droppings

Cathi, Louie, Marie, Sue, Laurie
Unloading soil amendments

We have planted cover crops, and are in the process of cutting and covering them with mulch to decompose in place.  A renovation of the hydroponic beds is in progress and plans are underway to install a micro-irrigation system this fall. 

Some of our perennial vegetables are being harvested.  We'll tell you more about that in a separate post.   The garden is looking good and ready for new seeds and starts.
Buckwheat, ready to be dropped
and covered with mulch

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