Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wednesday in the Garden

Last week, the VegHeadz had their fall planning meeting. We closed out the summer crops, reported our results, and plans are underway for the fall season

Yesterday we were back in the garden in full force. Following is this week’s VegHeadz coordinator report from Cathy Alfano.  Just a sample of what our Wednesday workday is like from week to week.  Join us any Wednesday to learn more, help, or just hang out   

Evelyn and Peggy
Hi there, VegHeadz. We had a great turnout today!
We weed whacked and hand weeded in the forest, and Janis trimmed some of the trees. Camille and Heather weeded in the upper flower bed and you can really see the improvement. Everyone worked in their beds, pulling weeds, planting cover crops and preparing for fall.

Peggy reinforced her trellising for the tomatoes, and the roselle is plumping up. Evelyn weeded around the upper beds and some pathways. Joanne was working in her beds, as was Glenn. Dave was prepping Bed 10 for his fall snap peas. Carole’s milkweed has taken a leap forward and its blooms were attracting a steady stream of butterflies.

Monarch butterfly on 
Milkweed. Can you find it?

Laurie was weeding and watering the wildflowers and library seed beds. Nancy planted clay peas and some marigolds in the C beds.

4-H Beds are under relocation
and renovation 

Jessica is transforming the 4H garden, and it’s going to be great. We can plant and reposition any containers when that’s completed. 

Hanging out in the shade of the grape arbor

The grapes are all gone – perhaps harvested by 2-legged critters. They were beautiful, though, and will be back next year.

Evelyn found a wood-handled 3-prong hand fork with faded orange lettering on it. It’s in the mailbox, which is full of lost items. Check it sometime and you might discover a tool you forgot you had!

Emma, I’m sorry to say I weed whacked the G-4 small irrigation hose by accident. That will need some repair.

Wasps! Laurie got stung after I left for the day. They think the wasp nest may be somewhere in the plants between the hose/sink and the raised beds – please be careful. Jessica reminded me that they have some first aid supplies for stings in the office if anyone ever needs it.

That’s all for now, folks.

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