Monday, May 2, 2022

Ready for a Visit

The VegHeadz garden is looking great.  It’s productive and inspiring with lots of ideas and techniques to pass on to interested gardeners, both beginning and experienced.  Time for a visit.  Join us this Saturday, May 7, 2022, from 9:00 am to 12 noon and talk to our gardeners.  Be prepared to buy plants at the Master Gardeners plant sale with thousands of plants, and visit the other seven or eight (it’s difficult to keep track) different gardening areas and environments and the many exhibitors at the UF/IFAS Leon County Extension, 615 Paul Russell Road, Tallahassee. 

Sunflowers, staked and growing fast.  
Learn why they’re important in the garden

Crop rotation is important for the health of 
your plants. Learn how and why.

Enter the Edible Forest Garden and 
learn about a different and more sustainable
way to grow food. 

 Come see our many trellises and arbors 
and learn how we grow and use bamboo,
one of the world’s most renewable resources 


Cover crops and companion plants
build your garden soil and help control
pests and diseases.   Come see them in 
action and learn more.  

Walk cool paths and see new plants and
familiar ones grown in new ways. See how we mulch 
with free materials and learn how mulch
benefits your garden. 

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