Thursday, February 24, 2022

Wednesday in the VegHeadz Garden

The VegHeadz are anticipating Spring. Soon
all these winter browns will be green.  
When I arrived at the garden this morning it looked like an ant hill!  There were people gathered in groups, or working singly or in pairs scattered throughout the garden. Everyone was busy. 

The last few weeks of good weather and the great turn out of VegHeadz has produced great results. Weeds are temporarily under control, almost every bare surface has been mulched, new plants and seeds are going in, winter damaged and out of season plants are coming out. The VegShed alterations are being painted and the compost bins have been turned regularly by the compost crew.  Their attention is showing spectacular results. We have beautiful dark crumbly compost ready to top up beds or act as mulch around new plants.  

Fruit trees have been pruned and are ready for new spring growth. Plants that are producing offshoots or new clumps in the Forest Garden have been dug for control or to take home and plant elsewhere. 

New plans are underway for a grape arbor, a patio garden with multiple containers, and many pollinator plant beds. What a productive group!  Come join us in the garden on any Wednesday morning and share in the camaraderie, the work, and the possibility of learning new things. 

And more from Carole Hayes, our garden coordinator:  

Another extraordinarily beautiful day for working in the garden! So much is being done by the Food Forest Rangers in the Forest Garden. It, as well as the upper areas, is a beehive of activity. Kwan is doing great work in developing pollinator beds along the east perimeter and within the Forest Garden. Janis is leading folks in weeding and planting new and old cover crops. Pigeon peas are on the agenda this spring.

Jeanne's lupine seeds have arrived and we all look forward to seeing them grow. Some lupine do not flower until the second year; I don't know about the variety that she will be planting. I'm hoping for those beautiful blue flowers as soon as possible!

Louie has a newly constructed raised bed and the other will be similarly repaired soon. Looks great. Thanks, Mike!!!

Glenn continues work on the inside of the VegShed. He has placed more boards on either side of the new shelves and has caulked, closing out areas for wasp nests to occur. Keith was painting when I left yesterday. Thanks, Keith!!

Several beds grew monster-leaved mustard this year. Cut the leaves off and toss them in the compost bin, or better, use then as mulch within the bed where they grew. Or, better yet, eat them!

Rachel made and gave us 7 grow bags. Happy VegHeadz are grabbing them up and deciding what to plant in them as demonstrations. As of yesterday, 4 were spoken for and 3 remain. We have lots of beautiful soil to fill them with; no dearth of seeds, either.

Steve explained his plan to feature container gardening by building a "patio" with pavers to display containers. That way, folks can walk through the patio and envision their own container gardens at home. Great energy and creativity among the Vegheadz. Thanks, Steve.

Cathy and Nancy harvested cabbage and Brussel sprouts. The table was piled high. Great, green bounty!

A reminder: the water at the VegHeadz garden in non-potable. DO NOT DRINK THE WATER at our garden. Non-potable water signs are being sought. Another reminder, be sparing in application of Come and Get It. Thank you!

The weeding pose—er, posse

Watch this Spot, site of a new Grape Arbor

Horticulture Agent Mark Tancig (our VegHeadz
Garden mentor) checks the timer
on our micro-irrigation system.  

Steve is working on the site
for a new patio 
featuring container gardens

We particularly like small, tender
filet green beans.  Cathi is 
trying three new varieties. 

Cathi and Evelyn are putting
up a bamboo tripod 
trellis for pole beans. 

We surprised Keith while he was
painting the new shelves in 
the VegShed. 

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