Friday, January 21, 2022

Peas, Peas, Peas

We hope you saved some space in your winter garden to plant peas. It’s time to get them in the ground between now and February 14.  Even if you planted them last fall, another planting will produce a later crop. This includes sugar snaps, snow peas and green peas for shelling.  Soaking the seeds in some water overnight before planting will help them germinate more quickly.  

Don’t wait too late to plant peas.  Before they are ready for picking, aphids will become pests when the weather warms.  

It’s also time to start thinking about planting potatoes.  See Gardener Ed’s month by month planting guide in the right sidebar for what you can do in February.

You’ll need support for your peas.  Even the bush varieties tend to sag and drag their lowest pods on the ground when loaded with peas.  We’ve used an array of purchased and constructed trellises,  Anything strong enough to hold the vines will do.  We don’t find that the netting often advertised is adequate for the job.  Even tomato cages work if they are secured with a metal fence post or some other strong brace. 

Here are links to articles on growing peas and potatoes based on our experiences in the VegHeadz garden. They also include information on summer peas and potatoes.



Welded wire cattle panels

Hogwire fence

Custom string trellis

Bamboo or wood tepee

Plastic Lattice

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