Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A Quiet Day at the Garden

Harvesting Roselle

After our hard work preparing for the annual Farm Tour many of our gardeners were catching up with other obligations, but a few of us showed up and enjoyed a lovely day.  We pulled sweet potato vines, but didn’t find a lot of sweet potatoes.  These were vines which had volunteered from root remnants of previous crops.  But they had done their work.  They kept weeds at bay throughout the summer, conserved moisture and produced vines to be fed to the chickens,used as mulch, or added to the compost bin.  The leaves also make great summer greens.  We also harvested Roselle, entertained visitors to the garden, and checked on our recently planted fall crops.  The cover crops we chopped and dropped last week are acting as mulch and are already decomposing to provide nutrients for the next crop.  It was a fine day in the garden.  

We’re enjoying our new and improved
water console.  

Mustard cover crops in
The 4-H beds

Rachel was leading a group
touring the many gardens 
On the grounds

Glenn’s heritage greens are looking great

Kwan cuts bamboo to set up 
a temporary fence around another
Of his great pollinator gardens

Plenty more where this came from. 

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