Thursday, May 13, 2021

WOW —Words of Wisdom on Wednesdays


Peggy and Glenn WOWed us about
saving seeds
Thanks to a suggestion by VegHead Cathi Wilkinson and implementation by garden coordinator Carole Hayes  a new benefit has been added for those who volunteer in the VegHeadz garden —WOW — Words of Wisdom.   We will be hearing periodically from knowledgeable VegHeadz and others about gardening topics.  

This Wednesday Peggy McDonald and Glenn Berman shared their seed saving expertise and 12 of us were there to enjoy the session.  They discussed plant separation to ensure seed has not been hybridized, fermentation, scarification, and best storage practices.  Here is a link for information about a book Glenn used and showed us, and another link for more information: about obtaining heirloom and open pollinated  seeds. https://sow true  

The garden is looking great.  The cool spring weather has kept bugs and diseases at bay. In addition our multiple pollinator plants have provided food and habitat for beneficial insects. Biodiversity in the garden and in the soil make a productive healthy garden. The final spring peas were harvested this week and next week potatoes will be dug. Summer vegetables will be planted in their place—okra, sweet potatoes, and field peas. 

Laurie keeps a great variety
of pollinator plants blooming

Blooming in the garden—Elderberry in 
back and Buckwheat cover crop in the foreground

Loofah vines will soon cover
our arbor.  The blooms and 
the leaves are beautiful

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