Wednesday, July 22, 2020

All About Tomatoes

Small tomatoes are easier to grow
Small tomatoes are easier to grow
It’s July in north Florida. If your tomato plants are still producing blooms, they are probably not producing fruit—much to your frustration. This is because tomatoes (and peppers) tend not to set fruit when temperatures are high because the heat may sterilize the pollen.  If the plants survive until the weather cools, you may still have more tomatoes so don’t despair. 

Diseases and pests have probably taken their toll on most of your crop. Tomatoes are notoriously hard to grow in our hot, humid summer weather.  To diagnose your tomato problems and to help in selecting varieties next season that will produce well and taste good, the links below provide detailed information.  Farm to table growers are the targeted audience for the information on selecting varieties.  Aren’t home gardeners the ultimate farm to table growers? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Janis! That's very helpful!

