Monday, November 23, 2015

Macon Community Garden Upgrade

On a recent Saturday garden members, neighborhood residents, Master Gardeners, and other high school and community volunteers joined together to upgrade the gardens at Macon Community Garden.   Under the guidance of Patricia Byrd and Lizette Kelly, an amazing amount of work was accomplished in just a few hours.

The students were given a short course in using garden tools. Many new raised beds were built, filled with compost, and planted with a variety of fall vegetable seedlings.  The grounds were cleared of some volunteer trees and vines around a big beautiful pine tree at the front of the garden, and a van full of fresh vegetables from Calvary, Georgia were sorted, packed and distributed by the students around the Macon neighborhood.  Vegetables distributed included collards, sweet potatoes, and onions. 

It was a beautiful and productive day, and a good time was had by all. 
Patricia Byrd and the ultimate plane for Macon Community
Garden created by an FAMU student volunteer

Lizette Kelly supervising building of garden beds

New beds were quickly put together

Garden Soil and compost on hand
And filled with soil and compost

Then the planting began

Soon the new beds and the existing beds were filled with green

An abundance of vegetables for distribution to the Macon neighborhood

The Master Gardener volunteers


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