What is a good variety of edamame (green soybean) to grow in North Florida?
I have tried the popular variety of green soybean called “Envy” with very limited success. In trials performed in New Mexico by Seeds of Change. 'Envy' produced few harvestable pods and had yellowing leaves on spindly plants. I have had fair luck with “Butterbean” from Johnny’s Selected Seeds. But this year I’m going to try “Sayamusume.” Sayamusume has been successfully grown in New Mexico, so it should do well here.
Soybeans should be planted when the temperature of the soil is above 60 deg. F. when all danger of frost is past. Plant 2” apart in rows 2’ to 2 ½’ feet apart. It takes about 85 days to harvest. Wait until the pods are full but still green. Pods ripen all at once so you can pull up the whole plant for easy picking.
Here’s a good article on edamame in Mother Earth News.
The Joys of Edamame: Best Varieties for the Garden
(or you can call them green soybeans)
by John Navazio in Mother Earth News
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