Friday, December 9, 2022

Biodiversity in the VegHeadz Garden

The VegHeadz gardeners are practicing what we preach. Throughout the garden and in each raised bed there are plants of many types growing together to provide a variety of crops and services to each area. Plants grow better together. Just observe plants in the wild in forests and fields where many varieties grow in close proximity, each benefiting from microorganisms and nutrients shared by other plants. Add native and cultivated pollinator plants to the mix.   It’s a good way to grow. 

Broccoli and Marigolds

Well-mulched Tat soi, Kale,
Rosemary, and Oregano

Mustard and Garlic Chives, a 
Perennial.  Strongly scented
plants like Rosemary, Oregano, and 
Garlic Chives help repel
chewing insects

Mustard and Crimson Clover cover crops
where potatoes and peas will grow in spring

Fennel, Buckwheat and 
multiple varieties of salad greens. 
Buckwheat attracts garden predators
to help control insect pests

Pollinator plants throughout
the garden

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