Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wednesday in the Garden


Knocking Stinkbugs and Leaf Footed Bugs in all stages of development into
a bucket of soapy water.  

Another fun day to learn things in the garden

Giant Sunflowers attract these bugs and
keep them away from our tomatoes, 
peppers and eggplants. Click on the 
picture for a close up.   Many, many bugs.


Picked our first Chayotes
of the season.  Plenty more 
to come.  

Linda and Rachel show off
our super Pattypan Squash. 

We discovered the Stinkbugs prefer
stressed or fading sunflowers 
rather than these at their peak. 

We have Zinnias of all colors but these bright
pink beauties are the most eye catching. 

More interesting squash
to come.  These from Glenn’s
small rotation gardens.  

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