Saturday, April 8, 2023

How to Start a Food Forest

We get a lot of interest in our small food forest at the VegHeadz Garden. Visitors often ask how we started it, how we decided what to plant there, how much maintenance it takes, etc. 

If you’re thinking about starting a food forest, planning is the first important step.

William Horvath is a geologist and permaculture practitioner who lives in Croatia. He has a very informative website about Permaculture, The Permaculture Apprentice,  and conducts online classes on a variety of related subjects. In a recent blog post he provided detailed steps for starting a food forest.

“Would you rather have a food forest where you need to continuously put extra effort into your plants only to find that they eventually die and need to be replaced?


“Would you rather have a food forest that thrives almost on its own, requiring little maintenance and input? A food forest that will be the legacy you pass on to future generations.”

A most intriguing question. Obviously most of us would choose the second option. To view William’s step by step plan for starting such a food forest in your location, go to his website which you can access here: William Horvath— How to start a food forest, step by step.

And come visit the VegHeadz garden, take a tour of our food forest, and ask questions on any Wednesday morning.

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