Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wednesday in the VegHeadz Garden

Laurie and Peggy learn as Kwan builds
a bamboo tomato trellis
So many neat things are going on in the garden this week. Peter has completed the Hugelkultur bed and planted a buckwheat cover crop to grow the population of soil microbes and prevent leaching and erosion during the hot, rainy summer months until a fall crop can be planted.  Keep an eye out for Peter’s report on the the history of Hugelkultur and it’s advantages in the garden.  

The bamboo is pegged onto the completed
Hugelkultur bed to keep the garden
soil mix from eroding
until plants grow to secure it. 

Kwan built a trellis from bamboo he harvested in the garden for the indeterminate tomatoes in the 4-H bed.  He uses a plastic clip to secure the vines to the cords he hangs from the trellis. 

Plans are under way for new container gardens in the fall, spring/summer crops are still thriving and early spring crops like peas and potatoes are being replaced with okra, sweet potatoes, and field peas.  

Next week we’ll be doing some more work with bamboo as we build a trellis for a passionflower vine that has volunteered in the garden.  The butterflies will love it, and it will be a good way to learn a new skill as many of us have not worked with bamboo.  

Kwan demonstrates the clips
He uses to secure tomato vines.  
He uses twine from pine straw bales. 

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